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Challenges Faced By Teachers In Special-Needs-Inclusive Classrooms

cwsn inclusion inclusive classrooms Jul 03, 2020

Recognising education as a civil right for all students is a great concept. There are several inclusive education advantages that benefit students of diverse backgrounds. However, for this concept to be applied successfully in practice, teachers need to be equipped with the right resources. 

With students on a diverse spectrum of learning and developmental abilities in the same classroom, teaching the same material in a limited time can be difficult. Here, we take a look at some of the challenges faced by teachers in a classroom with special needs students. 

Lack of training

The inclusion of special needs children in classrooms has caused teachers to re-evaluate a lot of their teaching styles and methods. It is important to have a diverse lesson plan that caters to all students. However, most teachers lack experience and an understanding of how to adhere to students with special needs in a classroom. Providing teacher training workshops, courses and regular support can help address some of the inclusive education challenges

Extending curriculum equally to all

An inclusive classroom should accommodate the needs of all students. However, this responsibility often lies entirely on the teacher rather than the school. There are several activities and subjects in a school that may be difficult for a child with special needs to participate in. trying to involve all students in engaging with every activity can be extremely difficult for a teacher especially if the student finds themselves incapable of performing a particular activity. 

Modifying lesson plans

When students with severe to mild disabilities are in the same classroom as intelligent kids, it is imperative to create a lesson plan that balances a teaching style to match both aptitudes. Often students displaying ADHD symptoms or having a learning disability can be disruptive in the classroom while also falling behind academically. Drawing up different lesson plans while maintaining classroom decorum can be extremely challenging for teachers. 


Though inclusive classrooms are becoming the new norm, the concept is not without challenges. To ensure that the critical resource, teachers are equipped for this change, schools and educators need to look for training programs and workshops that can equip them with the necessary know-how.

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