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Cyber Security Issues Teachers Need To Know When Teaching Online

cyber security online safety Sep 28, 2020

The shift to online education has been so sudden that online safety and security have often been compromised. With teachers and students in a rush to complete their course curriculum, security issues of the internet platform used to teach weren’t considered till much later. As online education is becoming more and more popular these days, cyber safety has become even more important. 


Security compliant platforms

Most institutes adopted a single platform for teachers and students to connect but most of them have no compliance with any security or protection law. Most free platforms leave students and teachers extremely vulnerable to hacking and data theft. Online classrooms are a huge attraction for cyber attackers due to the amount of sensitive data and low-security system often present. To ensure cyber security for kids, institutes need to stick to security-compliant platforms that take privacy seriously. 


Sexual predator exploitation

Another massive concern when it comes to internet safety is protection from sexual content and exploitation. Predators have been highly active during the pandemic with multiple schools and kids now online. Online sexual exploitation has put a lot of students at risk with predators befriending students, hacking into their personal network and even coercing them into sexual behaviour. Teachers and parents need to come together at this time to ensure children are free from such predators. 


Safe practices in online education 

Observing strict security practices is essential to protect students and teachers from hacking. Some options that can be used include:

  • Regular password changes
  • Constant monitoring of lecture rooms to avoid third-party entry
  • Upgrading firewalls and security protocols
  • Communicating with parents about safety precautions to be observed
  • Educating kids about cybercrime and safety measures to be followed

With everything going digital, cyber security in schools has become the need of the hour. A basic understanding of cyber security protocols is important for all educators to protect students. In addition, parents need to be kept in the loop about the platforms used, the security protocols administered and also how they can ensure cyber security in their home.

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