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How Common Is ADHD

adhd attention hyperactivity May 16, 2020

As per the DSM-V, ADHD is among the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. ADHD's worldwide prevalence in children is estimated at 5.3 percent. ADHD in childhood is more prevalent in boys than it is in girls by a 3:1 ratio.


ADHD, full form Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is one of the most common disorders of childhood. This condition often shows symptoms in childhood itself and can continue to exist in adulthood. However, with timely intervention and ADHD treatment, individuals can easily cope with and manage this condition.


In India, a study conducted in Coimbatore found ADHD prevalence in children to be higher than the global estimate, at 11.32%. The highest prevalence is found in ages 9 (at 26.4%) and 10 (at 25%). Further, the study showed that more males (66.7%) were found to have ADHD.


Common ADHD behaviour

There are several behavioural characteristics that are common to people with ADHD. Most common is that they are extremely active, even being classified as hyperactive. Here are some of the common signs and symptoms of ADHD. 

  • Extremely fidgety and restless
  • Displays impulsive behaviour
  • Tends to daydream a lot
  • Is often forgetful about things
  • Tends to squirm or be restless even while sitting
  • Moves at a hurried pace and could occasionally bump into things and people
  • Is highly talkative and often interrupts others


Diagnosing ADHD

ADHD does not have a single test for diagnosis. Instead, it requires a series of tests and consultation by experts. Before diagnosing someone with ADHD, they may be asked to undergo a series of tests including medical exams, vision and hearing tests as well as taking into account the behavioural history of the person. 


However, an ADHD diagnosis does not have to be feared. There are various treatment options available that help individuals manage this condition in an effective manner. A combination of behavioural treatments and ADHD medication can work wonders in helping one curb the symptoms of this disorder. If you observe these symptoms, make sure to refer the child to a special educator or therapist for an official diagnosis and timely treatment.

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