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How is Diversity in Classroom Impacting Teaching

classroom diversity teacher impact Apr 20, 2020

These days’ classrooms in schools represent all students of a particular age regardless of their abilities. Inclusive education for differently-abled is becoming the norm with education being a right for all. This brings in widespread diversity in every classroom which can be quite difficult for a teacher. 

The presence of diversity is transforming the way teachers conduct their classes. The traditional methods of teaching that have dominated the past years are no longer applicable. His can make it extremely difficult for a teacher. Further, this diversity has also mandated the understanding of several soft skills training topics for teachers

Here are some of the ways diversity impacts classroom teaching. 

Teaching method for the differently-abled

When students with physical disabilities come together in a classroom, the teacher may be required to change the way they disseminate information. In some cases, a video may be required or interactive graphics for those students that cannot comprehend just the written word. This requires teachers to modify their lesson plans and their style of teaching to equally help every student learn the material. 

Adapting to a varied pace of learning 

Not every student learns at the same pace. Teachers may find it difficult to balance the pace of learning to suit the bright students and those that take time. This can be problematic if the students that struggle feel the pace is too fast or the bright students get bored with a slow pace. Navigating this balance while maintaining the classroom atmosphere can be tricky and requires teachers training

Different resources and economic background

Teachers can no longer assume a common standard for all students. This may in terms of basic knowledge that they may have at a particular age or even in terms of resources. Further, teachers need to create an inclusive classroom atmosphere that ensures every student feel like they belong.

Thus, diversity is greatly impacting the way teaching is being done in classrooms. To make the most of the situation and navigate potential concerns smoothly, one can greatly benefit from the right teacher training experience.

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