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Impact of Teacher Training on Student Outcomes

impact of training student outcomes teacher training Apr 21, 2020

A lot has been said about the need for teacher training and development in schools. With the Right To Education (RTE) granting all children access to education, this sector is transforming rapidly. Earlier, students with special needs were placed in different schools. However, now a classroom brings together a diverse set of students of a similar age from varying backgrounds and abilities. 

This has mandated the need for courses such as a high potential initial teacher training and leadership development programme. Here, we take a look at how teacher training programs impact student outcomes. 

Recognise individual student needs

Inclusive education has brought in students of diverse abilities to a classroom. Teacher training techniques equip teachers to not just deal with varying needs but also accommodate all these needs in a classroom. They are able to design tasks and activities for each group of students that engage them and help them learn at their pace, thus boosting student outcomes. 


Update their skill-set

There is no doubt that for a teacher to be effective in the classroom, they need to have an in-depth understanding of their subject. Teacher training courses offer teachers a refresher course that keeps them updated on their subject. This helps them to learn more and thus teach in a better manner strengthening student learning. 


Access to various pedagogies

There can be several inclusive education disadvantages if the teachers aren’t equipped to handle the diversity. Every student learns at a different pace and via a different style. Teacher training provides teachers with access to a range of pedagogies that they can adapt to their lesson plan. These can be through media, interactive sessions, direct learning and a lot more. This creates an overall learning atmosphere in the classroom benefiting all students.


Thus, teacher training isn’t just a program for teachers. Instead, the main benefit is actually received by every student such a teacher interacts with as well as the institute where such teachers teach. Equipping teachers with new techniques and strategies can help improve student learning, aid diversity, encourage confidence and boost school ranking.

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