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Inquiry-Based Learning For Online Education

inquiry based learning pedagogy Jul 29, 2020

Education for the longest time has been classified as spoon-feeding or rote learning. However, inquiry-based learning, is a completely different concept where students are not just given information but rather are encouraged to study the material and ask questions where they face difficulties. This method of learning removes the burden of teaching solely from the teacher and instead encourages student participation by exploring the material available. Here are the key components of inquiry-based learning activities

Ask students a question

Typically, the teachers give the information and the students ask the question – here it is reversed. In this format, the teachers begin by asking students a question. Here, one can offer broad categories of information to guide a student, but no specific teaching is done. Teachers can create an instructional video or offer certain resources for the students to refer to. 

Student research and learning

The next step is entirely student-driven. The students explore the material and start creating an answer to the question posed. This can be done in the form of a project, a presentation or any method specified by the teacher. The depth of learning is determined solely by the student’s curiosity. Further, it helps develop thinking and analytical skills in students as they work to answer the question. 

Discussion and feedback

Once the students have completed their assignment, the next step is discussion and feedback. At this stage, students can check in with teachers about the specific problems they faced and any doubts that they may have, in turn, the teacher also provides feedback on the work done by the student. In some cases, one can even have online group discussions where students discuss with the teacher and each other about the areas that were easy and that were difficult. 

In this technology era, remote learning is becoming outdated as everything is available at the click of a button. Students need to be taught how to think, not just what to think. Inquiry-based learning strategies facilitate the development of analytical and critical thinking skills in students. In addition, it drives students to find their own solutions to a problem rather than turning to someone else.

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