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Is The Child Hyperactive Or Lacking Discipline

adhd discipline hyperactive May 16, 2020

Being active is generally considered as a healthy sign in a child, however, when this activity level becomes too high, it can seem irritating or even termed as lack of discipline. At a young age, most kids are active. However, they are also able to calm down when told to sit quietly. 

On the other hand, there are times when certain kids seem so active that they seem hyperactive. Such kids find it impossible to sit still and are given the label of lacking discipline when in fact they may have an ADHD disorder. Distinguishing between these two can seem difficult and is not always easy. Here, we look at some of the ways to identify whether the child needs an ADHD assessment or is simply lacking in discipline. 


Typically, active students have bursts of energy followed by periods of calm. They also have the ability to sit down quietly when told firmly. Lack of discipline may result in a child disobeying instructions once or twice but ultimately being able to sit quietly in a place and do a still activity such a reading. 

Hyperactivity, on the other hand, may manifest in the following ways: 

Constant movement

 Kids with hyperactivity are constantly moving or fidgeting. They are unable to sit still, not because of lack of discipline, but because they find it difficult to do so. This movement may be in the form of constantly running and moving physically or constantly fidgeting with things around them. 

Talking a lot

People that are hyperactive tend to talk a lot. They may even interrupt others who are talking and start talking over them. In schools, they may even interrupt classroom lectures by talking while the teacher is giving instructions. This may appear as rude behaviour but is often not in their control. 

Seem hurried

Most kids tend to run around at a young age when moving from one place to another. However, kids that are hyperactive tend to move so fast that they bump into tables and other objects in their path. The may even bump into people without realising that it’s wrong. 


In case you notice these symptoms in a child, it is best to recommend them for an ADHD test for an early diagnosis and timely intervention.

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