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Soft Skills Training for Teachers to Manage Disruptive Behaviour

disruptive behaviour teacher training Apr 15, 2020


Inclusive education in India, while promoting education for all, has also brought with it several challenges in the classroom. When children of various backgrounds and cultural differences come together in one space, friction is bound to arise. However, often the brunt of this friction and dealing with the consequences of it all falls entirely on the teacher. 

Correcting student behaviour and addressing disruptive behaviour timely and in a pleasant manner is crucial to maintain a healthy decorum. One can find several such tips and strategies in online courses that teach inclusive education for all. Some of them include:

Ensure prompt redressal

When a student misbehaves, a teacher may choose to overlook it the first time to avoid conflict. However, it is important to address any disruptive behaviour or aggression at the start itself. One beneficial strategy is to talk to the student in private immediately after such an incident. Understanding why they behaved in such a manner and creating a space to talk can help the child communicate their difficulties and avoid repeat behaviour. 

Determine a code of conduct

To avoid any confusion and establish accepted behaviours in a classroom, start off by establishing an accepted code of conduct. Explain to the students the behaviours that will be tolerated and which will not. By offering clarity from the start, most children are likely to follow the rules set for them and adapt their behaviour in the classroom. Certain helpful guidelines can be found in a teacher training manual or course. 

Punishment should be secondary

With diversity in the classroom, every student has a different learning curve which often is the cause of disruptive behaviour. Ensure that you first try and understand the reason for disruptive behaviour – these can be anything from learning disability to family conflict which comes out in the classroom. Punishment in such cases will only make the child feel worse without remedying the issue. 

When it comes to student aggression, a teacher needs to be well-equipped to look out for themselves and the other students. Various books and courses on teacher training on inclusive education can help offer strategies and tools to correct student behaviour in an effective manner. 

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