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What Are The Benefits Of Asynchronous Online Education?

asynchronous online education Sep 28, 2020

Asynchronous Learning refers to a form of online learning where students are the driving force. Here, course instruction is given through pre-recorded videos or other such methods where there is no real-time access to a teacher. However, student-teacher interaction is facilitated in this format via other options such as scheduled chats, discussions boards etc. 

Benefits of Asynchronous Learning

Student pacing

One of the greatest benefits of this form of learning is that it allows each student to pace the course that best suits their learning. In areas of concern, students can revisit the material numerous times before moving on for a clearer understanding. While material that is easy can be skipped ahead without getting bored or restless. 

Flexible schedule

Every student may learn better at a different time in the day. For students with special needs or health concerns, traditional learning timings may not always be suitable. This format allows students to learn at a time they are able to concentrate and focus on the material. 

Builds self-reliance

One of the major benefits of Asynchronous Learning for students is that it needs them to be self-motivated to finish their education on time. There are no specified hours as in physical classrooms. Unlike traditional classrooms where teachers do all the work, this format encourages students to be self-reliant thus helping them in the long run. 


Asynchronous Learning activities

There are numerous Asynchronous Learning activities that can help create an online education course. 

  • Pre-recorded videos
  • Audio clips
  • Presentation slides 
  • Transcription document for an easy reference for students along with a video
  • Discussion boards for student interaction as well as student-teacher interaction
  • Quizzes and tests to gauge student learning and help student apply what they have learnt. 

Asynchronous Learning offers many benefits for the student and teachers. A lot of institutes are looking to add elements of this format even to traditional courses to facilitate improved student learning outcomes. Educators looking to incorporate these activities can look for online courses or seminars that look into Asynchronous Learning best practices by those experienced in the field.

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