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What Are The Different Interventions Available For Children With ADHD

adhd behaviour management interventions Jun 30, 2020

For kids with ADHD, timely intervention can go a long way in curbing symptoms. The most common characteristics of this condition are hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattention. In some cases, ADHD medication may be prescribed to help the child. However, everyone reacts differently to these medicines and hence must always be administered by a professional. 

Along with medicines, intervention therapies can be highly useful as they have long lasting effects on the individuals’ life. Medicines only work till they are being consumed. However, intervention techniques can be applied throughout their life. 

Some of the interventions include

Daily report card

For kids with ADHD, understanding appropriate behaviours may be difficult. A daily report card is a regular feedback system that encourages appropriate behaviour and awards positive reinforcement as inspiration. Parents and teachers can together add to the report card. Here, one can have simple goals such as tidying the room, finishing homework, sitting in their seat for the entire class etc. 


ADHD kids have trouble remembering multiple instructions and organising them. Verbally telling a kid with ADHD multiple chores can be confusing and they are likely to forget all of them. Printing a checklist in colourful and bold letters can help the child refer to their task list and work accordingly. Also, if a task has multiple steps, it is a great idea to print out the steps in sequence as well. 

Creating a planner

One of the impacts of ADHD on the brain is a poor working memory. This makes it difficult for kids to remember daily tasks and new information. By maintaining a planner, teachers and parents can help the child plan and organise their tasks allowing for a better routine. Working memory examples include remembering project assignments, storing new information, etc. 

Thus, ADHD can make several daily tasks seem confusing. These days there is growing awareness and availability of ADHD treatment in India. It is important to consult a specialist if your kid has ADHD and work with them on these interventions. If adopted at a young age, these interventions can help the child manage several symptoms in an organised manner.

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