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What Are The Different Pedagogies For Teaching Online

new pedagogy teacher training Jul 29, 2020

Online teaching pedagogies are quite varied as compared to those adopted in a classroom. There are many practices that teachers can adopt to make teaching online classes engaging and informative. Online teaching offers teachers a lot of flexibility that conventional teaching institutes do not. Here, we look at the different pedagogies for teaching online and how they can impact student learning and engagement. 

Teaching formats

Teachers can choose from a variety of online teaching ideas to deliver information such as through slides, pre-recorded lectures, case studies etc. Each method can be adapted to be more engaging. For instance, in case of slides be sure to use bullet points and pictures to enhance teaching. You can also embed suitable audio and video references for students. Pre-recorded lectures are another great method to teach online. Here, use multiple videos of shorter length instead of one or two videos that are long. 


Discussion forum

Student-teacher interaction isn’t just limited to a physical classroom. You can interact just as well through an online learning course. Encourage students to ask any questions they may have on the forum and try and respond to them timely. You can even encourage students in advanced classes to respond to simpler questions but check the answers. Spark discussions by putting up questions related to the topic covered on the forum to gauge student understanding and encourage engagement. 


Pace of lectures

This is crucial in online learning. Teachers need to be clear on the understanding level of the students that are going to be taking the course. Don’t over complicate on the first day. Remember, one advantage is that students can learn at their pace. If an advanced learner is coming they can move ahead but a fast pace can confuse most students. Approach your classes from the understanding level of your students and plan the lectures accordingly. 

There are various different pedagogies of online learning and virtual learning that can help teachers improve the way they design their lectures and boost student learning. A good teacher training online program can be helpful in empowering teachers with actionable insights in designing their courses and enhancing student learning outcomes.

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