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What Is The Impact Of Dysgraphia On Children In A Classroom

dysgraphia specific learning disability Jun 30, 2020

Dysgraphia  is a neurological disorder that hampers an individual’s ability to write. For students, this can be extremely disconcerting as a large amount of academic success is evaluated on written assignments and exams. Here, writing isn’t just impacted slightly such as messy handwriting but is often illegible and filled with spelling mistakes.

For a student, this dysgraphia, a learning disability, could have a massive impact in a classroom. These may manifest in the following ways. 


Poor performance in academics

Keep in mind that dysgraphia does not indicate poor intelligence. However, a student with this condition may score poorly in written exams and assignments due to their writing concerns. Some of these difficulties include inability to form letters, inability to judge spacing between words and often overwriting, difficulty writing in a straight line, mixing small and capital letters etc. In addition, spelling mistakes even for simple words is extremely common for a student with dysgraphia leading to an additional loss of marks. 


Avoidance of assignments 

Students with dysgraphia are likely to avoid any form of written assignments due to the difficulty they face. They may appear lazy, even though that’s not actually the case, as they find excuses to avoid submitting written assignments. In addition, they may be disruptive in a classroom while the teacher is dictating notes as they are unable to follow thus also impacting their ability to learn. 


Emotional impact 

For a student who is intelligent or who has a good grasp of the material, receiving poor grades can be damaging for their self-confidence. Also, for a young student, facing these difficulties while their friends are able to write naturally can be extremely confusing and upsetting for their emotional health. This is why it is so important for a student to receive timely dysgraphia treatment that can help them cope in the classroom. 

In case you notice any of these symptoms in a student, make sure to refer them to a specialist for timely assessment and intervention techniques that can help them manage their condition and enhance her learning.

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