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Inclusive Education

Strategies for Inclusive Education

Apr 04, 2020

Inclusive education has become the latest buzzword in academia. However, not everyone may be equipped to actually help students thrive in such a situation. A well-defined program that offers teacher training for inclusive education can be a great asset for the overall benefit of the institution.

Inclusive education refers to a classroom which includes students of diverse backgrounds. Here, even though there may be social, physical or other diversities, students of a similar age are included as a group in a single classroom. A teacher training development program can help the teachers with various strategies to deal with inclusive classrooms as listed below.

Set ground rules for classroom behaviour

Establishing a clear and practical code of conduct among students can prevent rowdiness or rude behaviour. Enforcing rules and communicating their importance in a way that all students respond to positively is crucial to set up at the start of the academic year. Teacher training programs offer teachers the understanding and expertise to do so skilfully.

Using a student-friendly teaching method

Smart boards and tablets may be becoming the new norm but not every student may be able to learn under such a method. It is crucial for a teacher to develop an instructional style that suits the classroom for which they are responsible. Learning these skills and more from an established teacher training institute can help a teacher be more effective in their teaching.

Developing various learning techniques

In an inclusive classroom, not every student may be able to learn at the same pace. In order to help a teacher manage such diversity without taking on excess stress, an understanding of different learning methods can be a great help. For instance, devising various formats for the same topic such as print, graphics, videos etc. can help cater to a broader group of students in a more effective manner.

With an increasing number of schools now adopting a system of inclusive education, collaborating with a teacher training academy has become important for all institutions. By allowing for suitable practices that encourage an improved classroom experience, both teachers and students can benefit greatly.


Read here to know more about inclusive education and effective strategies for inclusive classrooms.

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