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Teachers Training

Why is teacher training the need of the hour?

teacher training Apr 12, 2020

The role of a teacher is always changing. A critical resource at school, a teacher’s responsibility extends beyond subject-matter expertise. Be it adapting to rising diversity in schools or the pedagogical and technological changes, the development of teachers is an important factor these days. One way that schools are allowing for this is with the help of teacher training activities.

Some of the reasons that make a teacher training program important these days include:

  • Pedagogical changes
    The teaching pedagogy has transformed drastically in recent years. Teachers have had to change the way they teach and interact with students in a bid to better communicate with them. Keeping up with changing times and global practices can be overwhelming. A teacher training course can equip teachers with the right skills in an effective and practical manner.
  • Diversity among students
    The student population has also undergone a thorough change. These days every classroom has a mix of elite, urban and non-urban children. Having to develop a teaching style and maintain classroom decorum in a way that is comfortable for all can be a tricky situation.
  • Student-centric approach
    A massive shift in education has been from a teacher-centric approach to a student-centric approach. A teacher training program helps teachers cultivate a deeper understanding of the group of students they have to deal with on a daily basis. It also helps train them on critical skills such as effective communication, empathy towards students from different backgrounds, and more.
  • Technological changes
    With immense simulation at their hands thanks to a smartphone, teachers are finding it increasingly difficult to get a student to focus effectively. Further, not every student may be comfortable with the technology being introduced in schools. A good training program can help teachers navigate these situations.

Thus, with constant changes being observed in all sections of education, development of teachers has become an important aspect. While teachers are considered experts in their various fields, a bit of training can enhance the way they communicate their skill set to a great extent. Opting for a teacher training handbook or course allows for institutes to support their teachers and in turn, offer their students a better future.


Read here to know teacher training has become an important requirement in India.

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