
What Teachers Should Know About Individualized Education Plans (IEP) dysgraphia iep learning disability Jul 29, 2020

Students with developmental concerns or learning disabilities such as Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia often find it difficult to understand the concepts taught in class using the conventional teaching methods. In such situations, teachers are asked to develop Individualized Education Plans (IEP)...

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What Teachers Should Know About Dysgraphia dysgraphia learning disability Jul 03, 2020

Dysgraphia is a type of learning disorder that impacts an individual’s writing skills. Here, it is not just the basic act of writing that is difficult but also the ability of processing thought and expressing them in words. As writing is almost a daily activity in an educational setting, ...

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Classroom Strategies To Help Children With Dysgraphia dysgraphia managing dysgraphia poor writing skills Jun 30, 2020

Classrooms these days bring together a mix of students across the spectrum of capabilities and backgrounds. One such inclusion of students in the classroom is dysgraphia, a learning disability. Medically, a brain of someone with dysgraphia may reveal some damage in the parietal lobe area....

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What Is The Impact Of Dysgraphia On Children In A Classroom dysgraphia specific learning disability Jun 30, 2020

Dysgraphia  is a neurological disorder that hampers an individual’s ability to write. For students, this can be extremely disconcerting as a large amount of academic success is evaluated on written assignments and exams. Here, writing isn’t just impacted slightly such as messy...

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Understanding Learning Disability and its Different Types dyscalculia dyselxia dysgraphia learning disability May 02, 2020

The term learning disabilities (LD) refers to a disorder which impacts an individual’s ability to learn. This may manifest in various ways such as difficulty in reading, writing, talking, and others. However, learning disability does not include impairments such as vision or hearing loss,...

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