
What Are The Different Types Of Blended Learning blended learning teacher training Aug 21, 2020

With technology taking over every industry, it was a matter of time before it transformed the education sector too. Learning these days is no longer reliant only on physical classrooms. Instead, online learning has slowly been on the rise owing to its flexibility and convenience. Blended learning...

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What Is Blended Learning In A Classroom blended learning teacher training Aug 21, 2020

Student learning has largely been solely led by the teacher. However, blended learning is an innovative concept that gives students part control in determining the progress of the course. Here, teaching is done using a combination of online and physical classroom teaching measures. This allows...

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What Are The Different Pedagogies For Teaching Online new pedagogy teacher training Jul 29, 2020

Online teaching pedagogies are quite varied as compared to those adopted in a classroom. There are many practices that teachers can adopt to make teaching online classes engaging and informative. Online teaching offers teachers a lot of flexibility that conventional teaching institutes do not....

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What Are The Prevailing Attitudes Of Teachers Towards Online Education online education teacher training Jul 29, 2020

The shift to online teaching has been sudden and in a lot of cases has taken teachers by surprise. Teaching online requires a whole different set of skills and requirements than teaching in a physical classroom. For a lot of teachers this shift has been extremely challenging affecting their mood...

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Improved Access to Education with Teacher Training education rte teacher training Apr 21, 2020

The need for good teacher training models are being realised now more than ever. As diversity in classrooms continues to grow, educators are on the lookout for improved ways of providing better access to education for every student. Inclusive education means all students of a particular age group...

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Impact of Teacher Training on Student Outcomes impact of training student outcomes teacher training Apr 21, 2020

A lot has been said about the need for teacher training and development in schools. With the Right To Education (RTE) granting all children access to education, this sector is transforming rapidly. Earlier, students with special needs were placed in different schools. However, now a classroom...

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Teacher Training and PISA pisa teacher training Apr 21, 2020

As students gear up for the next PISA evaluation in 2021, teachers and educators are all feeling the pressure as well. Unlike traditional exams, PISA does not rely on a student’s memory but rather their understanding of the concepts they have already learnt. 

This test looks to...

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Indiaโ€™s Steps to Boost Teacher Effectiveness teacher effectiveness teacher training Apr 21, 2020

Recognising the need for effective teaching in inclusive classrooms, India has taken several steps to improve the education sector. As students of diverse backgrounds come together in one classroom, the onus on teachers has greatly increased. 

While the importance of inclusive education...

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Outcomes of Teacher Soft Skill Programs soft skills teacher training Apr 16, 2020

A lot is being said these days on the importance of soft skills training to create an inclusive education environment in schools. As diversity in classroom expands, so does the role of the teacher. There are several courses, both online and offline that are offering tips and tools for teachers to...

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Soft Skills Training for Teachers to Manage Disruptive Behaviour disruptive behaviour teacher training Apr 15, 2020


Inclusive education in India, while promoting education for all, has also brought with it several challenges in the classroom. When children of various backgrounds and cultural differences come together in one space, friction is bound to arise. However, often the brunt of this friction and...

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Need for Soft Skill Training for Teachers teacher training Apr 13, 2020

Many times, when one talks about K-12 teacher training or a course for teachers, the first thought is related to the subject matter. While subject-matter expertise is important for effective learning, soft skill training is essential for a healthy classroom atmosphere. 

Everything from a...

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Need for in-service teacher training program teacher training Apr 12, 2020

The right for every child to be educated in the same manner as their peers are being recognized now like never before. Be it someone with a physical disability or a special needs child, every child is expected to receive a comprehensive education in the same school.

While this sounds wonderful on...

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