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How are State Governments Changing the Landscape of Education in India

education department education in india state government Apr 21, 2020

Education has always been considered a priority in India. In addition, about half of the students in the country learn from government schools. Funds are set aside every year for government schools but the results in terms of student learning tends to differ greatly. 

Most states showcase a very poor level of education in terms of academic understanding and life skills. Even though there are several inclusive education government policies on paper, their practical application is yet to take over in a consistent manner. 

However, there are few states that are working towards reforming the state of education by way of the following. 


With reforms put in place as early as 2014, Haryana has been trying to reform the sector from the ground up. The state has begun standardised assessments on a regular basis to monitor the weak areas. A comprehensive learning method was devised using this data to cater to students in an effective manner while also sprucing up the teachers in the department. In addition, the state also sought to build a community of educators, teachers and parents through various initiatives such as Saksham Haryana to encourage the importance of education. 


Education was given a massive chunk in the budget to cater to the well-being of students. Along with restructuring the curriculum for a better understanding as well as setting up a state board, there have been several more reforms. The state has started a teacher training university to equip teachers with the skills required to impart effective education. In addition, more schools have been set up along with a spoken English programme and healthcare facilities. The state also hopes for a representation in the 2024 PISA test. 

Andhra Pradesh

For many students in India, English is still an alien language. In a bid to help students be more globally inclines, the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Jagan Mohan Reddy is looking to make all government schools English-medium schools. For this, teacher training will be conducted through various resources such as online English teacher training courses among others. 


Thus, for a nation to boost its overall educational capabilities, steps have to be taken at each individual state as above.

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