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Important Communication Skills Required For Online Teaching

communication skills online teaching Aug 21, 2020

Online teaching has a lot of teachers and students adjusting to a whole new experience. This format also demands a different set of skills from teachers. One important skill that is critical for a teacher to teach online effectively is communication. Student learning outcomes are impacted greatly by the communication skills possessed by the teacher. Here, we take a look at some of the most important communication skills every online teacher must have. 


Clarity on lesson objectives

In a physical classroom students can raise their hand and instantly seek clarification during a lesson, before an assignment etc. In online teaching, communicating the objective clearly is crucial. No teacher will have time to handle multiple questions of the same kind for every assignment. Instead, put up a document on the online board or record a short video outlining the objectives clearly. 


Tone that conveys patience and compassion

Just like the online format is new for most teachers, it is new for students too. Communicating in a tone that expresses empathy and compassion is important at times. Keep in mind that a lot of students are doing their best. Further, not every student has the same intelligence level or online resources. Communicating clearly while being sympathetic to the situation can help motivate the students to try harder. 


Subject expertise

Importance of teaching skills as well as subject expertise lies in the ability to convey accurate information in a short video or online lecture as compared to an interactive class. Contradictory terms or long sentences that are not clear can be confusing for students learning online. Teachers need to be accurately concise lesson plans into short bursts for which they otherwise had an hour in a physical class. 

Thus, effective communication skills become even more important for a teacher teaching online. These days, one can find a myriad of teacher training material that helps build these skills. Even a specific teacher training one year course from a reputed organisation can equip and empower teachers to be more effective online.

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