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Is ADHD A Result Of Faulty Parenting

adhd adhd behaviours adhd child Jun 30, 2020

One of the common ADHD questions that parents and other individuals ask is ‘Does fault parenting cause ADHD?’ As this disorder has characteristics of impulsiveness, poor attention and hyperactivity, it may appear as a lack of discipline due to poor parenting. However, in the case of ADHD, it is not poor conduct but rather an inability of the brain to process things a certain way that leads to such behaviours. 

Causes of ADHD

One of the reasons that parenting is mistakenly assigned as a cause for ADHD is due to a lack of ADHD research showcasing the cause of the disorder. There is no single cause or reason for a child to have ADHD. However, genetic components and environmental factors have been two aspects that are believed to play a huge role in a child developing this disorder. Poor parenting or lack of discipline, while affecting the overall behaviour of the child, cannot be labelled as a cause for ADHD. 

Impact of bad parenting in ADHD

While poor parenting does not cause ADHD, it can result in the condition becoming worse. In a lot of cases, the issues of the student lie in neurological or biological concerns that cannot be changed by parenting. While there is a lot of therapy and ADHD resources to help provide practical coping strategies, they do require effort and a new style of teaching the child. 

However, lack of discipline such as allowing too much TV, poor enforcement of basic rules, disregard in terms of nutrition and sleep, can worsen the ADHD symptoms in the child. 

Parenting techniques that are helpful

Just like bad parenting does not cause ADHD, good parenting will not cure ADHD. This is a neurological condition that alters the way a child processes things. However, there are beneficial behaviours that can help a child with ADHD. Allowing for a set routine, good nutrition and proper sleep can help a child with ADHD. Further, behavioural therapy strategies under the guidance of a professional can help the child cope with and manage this disorder in a better manner. 


Thus, while there is no certifiable cause for parenting in ADHD, it must be remembered that parenting styles and techniques do have an overall impact on behaviour.

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