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Teaching Strategies For Helping Children With ADHD

adhd behaviour management teaching strategies Jul 03, 2020

A studious classroom atmosphere that requires a high amount of focus on concentration can be extremely challenging for someone with ADHD or ADD. Unlike most students who can sit still and concentrate when told to do so, an attention deficit disorder brain is wired differently. They find it impossible to sit still and concentrate often leading to distraction and disruption in the classroom. 

For teachers looking to maintain discipline in the classroom, this can be difficult. Engaging a student with ADD or ADHD is crucial to ensure they learn the material while also following classroom rules. Here are some strategies for teachers to use in an inclusive classroom to curb attention deficit disorder behaviors.  

Minimise distractions

Students with ADHD get distracted easily. To help them concentrate in a class, minimise distraction as much as possible. Some ways include keeping their desk clutter-free to avoid fidgeting, seating them away from the door or window where there is more simulation, or move them near the teacher’s desk if they feel more comfortable there. 


Allow for periodic movement

Staying seated for back-to-back lectures may seem like an acceptable task for most students. However, students with ADD and ADHD need to move about constantly and find it difficult to stay still. To help them focus in class, give them breaks in between lectures. Allow them to stand up in place for a few minutes or a task to get something from the teacher’s lounge. 


Be attentive in offering positive feedback

A student with ADHD is often unable to understand whether their behaviour is appropriate or not. By rewarding positive behaviour promptly, the student is able to remember it better and is more likely to repeat it. Conversely, punishment rules for ADHD children should be different than other students. Unless something is seriously a problem, it is best to avoid punishment and stick to praising appropriate behaviour. 

When it comes to students with ADHD, teachers need to modify their teaching strategies to communicate with these students effectively. This may seem difficult at first but with patience and help from specialists and authentic books on ADHD information, teachers can adapt their teaching styles.

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